Sea Moss FAQ

How long does sea moss last?

  • Store bagged dried sea moss in a cool, dark place, such as your cupboard, where it will remain fresh for over a year. 
  • Once prepared, the sea moss gel will stay fresh for 2-3 weeks. Remember to refrigerate the gel and use a clean spoon each time. Do not double dip. 

What makes the Full Spectrum dried bulk different?

  • The full spectrum has been shade dried vs. sun dried. It has a stronger taste and smell. 

Why does my sea moss have salt on it?

  • All our sea moss is natural harvested and dried. We do not add any salt. This is natural salt that comes from the water of St. Lucia where the sea moss grows. 

How do I make the sea moss gel?

1. Clean/Soak:

  • Rinse 1 oz of sea moss bulk 
  • Place in a container with spring water (with enough water to cover the sea moss-which will expand)
  • Use lemons (irish) or limes (full spectrum) to minimize the salt taste of your gel. This also helps with the ph level of your gel
  • Soak for at least 4-6 hours. Overnight soaking is preferred

2. Drain/Blend:

  • Drain sea moss from soak water
  • Tip: House plants love the nutrients of the soak water 
  • Place in a blender with new clean spring water. Equal parts water or add more water as needed. More water=thinner gel. 
  • Blend on high until you get a smooth texture, similar to an applesauce

3. Store/Use:

  • Store refrigerated in a clean glass jar, like a 16oz mason jar.
  • Use a clean spoon each time
  • Do not double dip your spoon
  • Suggested serving size: 1-2 tablespoons per day

Video on how to make the sea moss gel is posted on our instagram here:

Dragon Spirit Health Instagram

If you have any questions, please email is at





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